
    Corporate social responsibility

    Establishing a company and being entrepreneur is in itself a social responsibility before an economic responsibility, it is about making values and ideas come true.

    At BIOPAP® we fully eco-design our products, taking care of our environment by using responsibly, renewable resources and renewable energy, monitoring and reducing consumption at every step of our processes.

    We take care of our people building a sense of purpose in what we do together and making work safe and motivating. We value innovation, responsibility and commitment.

    We take care of our customers and suppliers by selecting and working with partners that share our same values and vision. We believe in transparency, honesty and fairness.

    We take care of our community by investing locally, hiring locally, promoting education and school visits to show and value innovative and sustainable business activities.

    We engage in circularly with no waste. Composting is the preferrable choice for used and contaminated food packaging together with food waste. It is an opportunity to turn waste into a valuable local resource helping agriculture to become independent from chemically based fertilizers.



    The Prize « Corporate Social Responsibility 2019 » has been awarded on the 5th of December. At the breath-taking 39th floor of Lombardy Tower, Maria Teresa Brassiolo, Vice President and co-founder of Cartonspecialist BIOPAP®, has received the award granted by the Lombardy Region and The United Chamber of Commerce. This award, qualifies and supports company’s virtuous paths engaging innovative corporate spirit, with focus on sustainable development and to spreading of CSR best practices (www.csr.unioncamerelombardia.it).

    Maria Teresa Brassiolo has high-lighted  the key role of companies in spreading and witnessing Social Responsibility in each ones’ own community and to act jointly for a more sustainable production and consumption model.