


    BIOPAP® LC receives the Compostability Certification from the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI)

    We are thrilled to announce that Biopap® LC products have received Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) Compostability Certification, the leading North American certification organization for compostable products and packaging, in accordance with ASTM Standard D6400.

    Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) is the distinctive symbol for compostability also recognized by the general public and the entire value chain.

    A process that began with the first biodegradability and composability tests carried out by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, which established the first laboratory to evaluate the compostability of materials in the United States. Even the choice of Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) certification is not fortuitous and lies in the Institution’s twenty years of experience, the same 20 years of Biopap® activity at the forefront of sustainability with all containers developed to be compostable with food residues at the end of their life.

    The Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) certification process is rigorous and ensures that certified food packaging can safely return to agriculture through a commercial composting facility. This is done by testing to ASTM standards and applying additional restrictions on carcinogens agents and fluorinated chemicals substances.

    In fact, already in 2019, the values required by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) for the chemical components called fluorinated PFOA/PFAS were less then 100 ppm, while the values analyzed for Biopap® products were <0.5 ppm. An excellent result that identifies the only natural fluorine present in cellulose fibres.

    This is further testimony to our commitment to providing American professional catering operators with packaging systems that allow them to organize more efficient and sustainable catering services, turning waste into precious biological resources for agriculture and biodiversity.

    In the US, 70% of the top 200 main composting sites also accept certified food packaging as organic waste. This is a great opportunity in particular for the patented Biopap® containers which are developed only on a cellulose basis and therefore rich in biogenic carbon and solid residue which improves the quality of compost and the performance of the plants. One more opportunity to organize close-loop containers with food residues in catering services such as schools, hospitals, nursing homes or large enterprises.

    Our unique experience embodies a revolutionary systemic approach, which places the protection of the environment and people as the primary aim.

    ® #BPI #UniversityofWisconsinStevensPoint #compostableproducts #packaging #sustainability #compostability #fluorinated #commitment #biologicalresources #biodiversity #biogeniccarbon #compost #closeloop #environment


    Innovative BIOPAP® Genius Meal Tray first pilot line installed at OPAL Catering GmbH


    Thank you to Opal Catering GmbH for pioneering the disruptive BIOPAP® Genius Meal Tray catering system. Thank you for preparing a variety of ingredients and preparations. All has been working perfectly with best functional and organoleptic results.


    This patented and compostable food packaging solution allows to revolutionize hospitals, clinics, elderly homes, catering system with outstanding operational efficiency and full circularity.


    The aim is to cope with the growing lack of human resources in meal preparation and in satellite kitchens by stream-lining the preparation process in centralized kitchens and then dispatching ready-made full meal trays in the cook & chill process, directly to Docking Stations in the Service buildings. Meal preparation, picking, and handling has never been so simple: one single unit, 12 times lighter than traditional meal trays, re-heatable in double flow trolley systems. Every filled trolley weight 60 kg less: more comfort for operators and Less C02 emissions in transport.


    BIOPAP® Genius Meal Tray also reduces re-heating times and significantly improves organoleptic results after re-heating compared to traditional system with cloches: pasta and rice remain soft, sauces are stable and vivid, vegetables and proteins keep the best colors and textures.


    Thank you also to Socamel having adapted ERGOSERVE XS trolley for a perfect double flow separation. BIOPAP® Genius Meal Tray shorten service times and gets meals on every patient’s table at the right temperature. Warm meals keep warm, cold preparations remain chilled, all in one single unit.


    BIOPAP® Genius Meal Tray is fully compostable with no washing-up and no sorting needed with food rests. All the service waste can be turned locally into compost that can be used back in agriculture, feeding a never-ending cycle. Full circularity and efficiency is ensured with BIOPAP® Genius Meal Tray. Who will be next?



    #Biopap #GeniusMealTray  #OpalCateringGmbH #Socamel #GeniusMealTraycateringsystem #compostable #foodpackagingsolution #operationalefficiency #hospitals #clinics #elderlyhomes #fullcircularity #ERGOSERVEXStrolley #fullycompostable #compost #cook&chill




    “Your buffet at home” with HOFMANNs and Biopap®


    “Your buffet at home” with HOFMANNs and Biopap®

    Fantastic new Home Meal service by HOFMANNs with Biopap® cook&freeze trays.
    The maximum care in food preparation with Dual ovenable compostable BIOPAP® trays, produced in 0-C02 emission plants.

    Always available, ready to use (frozen).
    No risk of breaking during transport, even in frozen conditions.
    Easy to prepare, suitable for microwave and traditional oven.
    Easy open function with Biopap® Easy open lid.

    Your smart buffet!
    Fully compostable, also in your home garden OKCompostHome certified with no waste.

    #innovativepackagingsolution #smartsolutions #compostable  #OKCompostHome

    See the complete video 👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/gfHufvUd

    BIOPAP® supports the Compostable by Design Platform

    BIOPAP® is proud to announce we are supporting the Compostable by Design Platform; a cross value chain collaboration that recognizes the important role compostable packaging and products can play in closing the biological loop, delivering a truly circular future.

    Established in 2023, the Compostable by Design Platform brings together expertise from across the value chain to facilitate the organic recycling of compostable materials on a large scale across Europe. Recognising that effective solutions require collective effort, the Platform unites leaders from resin producers to film and paper manufacturers, packaging converters, brands, retailers, logistics providers, organic waste management experts, certification bodies, testing labs, academic institutions and beyond.

    The Platform is founded on the belief that in relevant applications compostable products and packaging play an important role in achieving true circular economy. The use of compostable materials boosts organic recycling by increasing the amount of biowaste collected and reducing contamination of organic waste.
    Platformn participants are working to improve the circularity of materials that are contaminated with food waste or likely to be disposed within an organic waste stream, and to establish pathways for those materials to be processed by the right technology provider and infrastructure.

    “We strongly believe in biological circularity. The positive impact that biowaste turned to compost can have in local agriculture, in carbon sinking, in biodiversity and in climate change fight is enormous. An ancient and simple rule that was abandoned in modern times. Turn any waste into a resource as much as possible, this is what I was taught by my grand-father, originating from the Alps of Piedmont” says Michelangelo Anderlini, President and Co-Founder of Biopap®. “When we started developing our ovenable, freezer resistant, compostable food trays back in 2001 no one was believing this would be the future. We have been committed to Eco-designing all our high-performance foodpackaging solutions taking into consideration Composting as the preferred end of life. We promote fully circular catering solutions in school, hospital and elderly homes institution’s creating virtuous models for local communities”. Within the European Union, the proper collection and treatment of biowaste remains at low levels as the majority of municipal solid waste is still incinerated or landfilled and the combination of organics remaining in landfills is also significantly contributing to climate change via methane emissions, a powerful Greenhouse Gas (GHG) that traps 82.5 times as much heat as CO2 over a 20-year timespan.
    We want to give momentum to the Compostable by Design Platform to have a real impact on every day’s life.

    There is a huge potential of improving our policies and we must join efforts to make that happen.

    #compostablepackaging #biowaste #fullycircular

    👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/gPd8_D_R


    HOFMANNs wins the Award “Lighthouses of Sustainability 2024” with BIOPAP®


    Congratulations to HOFMANNs for the award “Lighthouses of Sustainability 2024” received at the Altenpflege Messe for its outstanding commitment in Environmental protection with our innovative and sustainable Biopap® packaging solutions.

    We are proud to be part of this brilliant achievement, which is the result of our mutual commitment and long-lasting cooperation.

    Sustainability is an attitude and a steady commitment. Only acting together we can have a positive impact on climate change.

    Thank you HOFMANNs !

    #Hofmanns #BIOPAP #innovativepackagingsolutions Altenpflegemesse #award #compostable


    News, Notizie

    BIOPAP® nominated at SaudiFood Manufacturing 2024

    We are happy to announce that BIOPAP® has been nominated for the prestigious Excellent Award for the Best Packaging Innovation Category at SAUDIFOOD MANUFACTURING 2024.


    📍 Hall 1, Stand E1-46 in ITALY AREA

    #BIOPAP #compostabletrays #innovativepackagingsolutions #fullcircularity #ExcellentAward

    News, Notizie

    Let’s take care of our beautiful planet!

    Happy World Earth Day!

    As we celebrate our beautiful planet and strive for a greener future, let’s reflect on the impact of plastic pollution and the steps we can take to combat it. Did you know that every second, 15 tonnes of packaging waste are produced worldwide? Or that a staggering 300 million tons of plastic are manufactured annually, half of which is used for single-use items?

    But amidst these alarming statistics, there is hope. We have the power to make a difference by embracing sustainable alternatives like BIOPAP®’s certified biobased, compostable, and recyclable food containers.

    Our unique, patented food containers, made from cellulose only and free from plastic, are a tangible step towards eliminating plastics and microplastics from our food chain and the whole packaging industry.

    Let’s pledge to take concrete actions today. Whether it’s eliminating plastic from production processes or choosing eco-friendly options in catering, let’s lead the way towards a plastic-free future. By doing so, not only do we protect our environment, but we also foster innovation and competitiveness in our industries.

    Together, let’s honor Earth Day by committing to a cleaner, greener tomorrow for generations to come.


    #EarthDay #PlasticFreeFuture #sustainable #compostable #BIOPAP



    Increase composting for soil health and climate action

    A very interesting recent study by Jane Gilbert highlights the great potential of enhancing biowaste collection and composting in the fight against climate change and for the whole farming-food sector in the UK.
    Soil health can be improved in several ways, including the application of quality compost which increases organic carbon levels and improves crop yields. Research has shown that repeated application of green waste-derived compost resulted in an increase in soil organic matter of between 20-25% compared to a control group over a nine-year period. It would seem logical that UK policy should seek to maximise the use of compost to boost the health of agricultural soil. This is not happening.

    The new research has conservatively estimated that the potential market demand for compost for arable land is 22 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa). The potential demand is 19 million tonnes per annum greater than the current 3 Mtpa of compost that is currently manufactured across all four nations. It is also 16 Mtpa greater than the amount that could be theoretically generated if there was a more supportive policy context.

    At BIOPAP®, we have been forerunners 20 years ago in developing and producing only compostable high performance food packaging solutions for professional catering applications and ready-made meals. Our aim was to give performance and convenience in service and full biological circularity with food rest coming back to agriculture with a never-ending cycle. With the City of Milan and Amsa, BIOPAP® Compostable food trays for school catering and catering services are collected without sorting with food waste and transformed into compost in the state of the art 100.000T/year plant. A European best-practice that can be extended in the UK to all schools, hospitals and elderly houses catering services.

    Our latest patented self-supporting BIOPAP Genius Meal Tray® will further boost this opportunity by improving operational efficiency, organoleptic properties and the quality of the meal served. Let’s work together to make it happen.

    Sustainability is a common goal that need multistakeholder commitment.

    #JaneGilbert #biowaste #composting #sustainability #bestpractice #fullbiologicalcircularity #innovativesolutions


    Read more 👉🏻 2024+The+Soil-Food-Biowaste+Policy+Disconnect+Jane+Gilbert


    The future of packaging is Biobased: BIOPAP®’s pioneering vision

    A very clear Post published few days ago by the US Department of Agriculture highlights the present trend towards Bio-based food packaging for which we, at BIOPAP®, have been forerunners and drivers already over 20 years ago.

    “A seismic shift is underway in consumer behavior as individuals increasingly recognize the environmental consequences of their choices. From the carbon footprint of packaging to the lifecycle of products, buyers are scrutinizing the ecological impact of the items they bring into their homes and their lives. This heightened awareness is not confined to a niche demographic; it spans generations, indicating a collective awakening to the urgent need for kinder, gentler consumption.

    Several factors contribute to the rise in consumer awareness regarding environmental impact:

    • The Information Age––The advent of the Information Age has empowered consumers with unprecedented access to information. With a few taps on a smartphone, buyers can unravel the intricate supply chains of products, uncovering the environmental practices of the companies behind them.
    • Social Media––Social media platforms serve as powerful amplifiers for environmental causes and organizations. Advocacy groups, influencers, and eco-conscious individuals use these platforms to spark conversations that resonate with global audiences.
    • Corporate Transparency––Companies are under increasing pressure to be transparent about their sustainability practices. Consumers demand accountability; companies that proactively share information about their efforts foster greater trust and loyalty.

    As consumer awareness about environmental issues expands, so does the demand for eco-friendlier products and principles. Biobased products, derived from renewable resources, have emerged as a tangible solution for consumers seeking to minimize their environmental footprint.

    The surge in consumer awareness is not merely a trend; it is a force driving systemic change. When more individuals choose products with lower environmental impact, businesses respond by adopting more sustainable practices. This cyclical relationship creates a positive feedback loop that can reshape entire industries.

    While the growing demand for biobased products signifies progress, challenges remain. These include the need for standardization in labeling, ensuring that consumers can make informed choices, and addressing potential greenwashing—where products are falsely marketed as environmentally friendly.

    At the same time, these challenges present opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and education. As businesses and consumers navigate this evolving landscape together, the potential for positive change is immense. Ideally, consumer purchasing power serves as a catalyst for transformation, ushering in an era where sustainability is not just a consideration but a prerequisite. The consumer is no longer a passive participant; they are the impetus behind a green revolution that holds the promise of a brighter, more sustainable future.”

    At BIOPAP® we have been the engine behind this positive trend developing for over 20 years high performance food packaging solutions, trays and lids from well managed forests, the pristine biobased and non-intensive source. Our Dual-Ovenable food trays offer a reduction of almost 70% in CO2 emissions compared to similar functions and sizes PP trays. We eco-design all our applications based on our proprietary materials and technologies with a clear end of life: the full compostability with food rests allowing operational savings, consumer convenience and biological circlularity. Biowaste based on the collection of food rest and food waste together with certified compostable food packaging enhance biomethane and composting plants yield and turn waste into a valuable renewable resource to be used as a fertilizer in local farming replacing non-renewable fertilizers.

    A never-ending natural circle benefiting nature, farming, consumers, waters. Why waiting. Let’s move together towards natural circularity: we have the experience and the know-how.

    circularity biobased sustainability consumerawarness

    News, Notizie

    Let’s celebrate the National Biobased Products Day

    At BIOPAP® we have been concretely investing in sustainability for over 20 years.
    We produce our innovative recyclable, biodegradable and compostable BIOPAP® trays from certified and renewable raw materials in our CO2 0-emission production plants.

    Vision and experience, constant commitment, innovation for the common good to build our sustainable future today, without delegating responsibility to future generations.

    All BIOPAP® food containers are USDA Biobased Product certified.

    Let’s celebrate the together!

    Thanks to USDA BioPreferred Program who, like us, invests, believes, proposes and spreads this vision.

    #CommitToSwitch #NBPD #Bioeconomy #CelebrateBiobased #BiobasedProductsDay #sustainability

    Read the article  👉🏻 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/from-farm-table-promise-biobased-food-packaging-ivgye/?trackingId=qwf%2F9bgISeTnVNDDEwPf3w%3D%3D