BIOPAP® meets students

Thanks to the Professors of ITET Aulo Ceccato school in Thiene (VI) who organized the meeting and thanks to the students who participated with so many questions.

On April 26th, we completed the second day dedicated to students; the first one was held on April 13th, and we are happy with the enthusiasm we generated.


Doing business also means interaction with communities and in particular with young people who will be its interlocutors and players in the future. That is why in BIOPAP we annually organize a series of meetings-visits with high school or professional school classes in order to describe to the students the various aspects of life in the company.


In particular, we explain the specifities of BIOPAP, the way our sustainability path was born and developed, the role and social commitment of the company and the people behind it, as well as the values that should bind company-environment-community. Our idea of food containers suitable for containing, transporting, preserving, cooking or heating food has as its ultimate goal to minimize resource use, make processes more efficient and integrate end-of-life into a circular system. We bring to the young students the example that you can be visionary and be successful, that every decision must take into account the impact it will have in the future, that commitment must always be long-term, and that results always come from teamwork. People from the different business functions explain their tasks, the activities they perform, and their interactions with the rest of the company and its ecosystem.  We want to convey everyday life in the company: future-making every day.